Trenbolone Acetate Magnus Pharma 10ml × 100mg

Order Trenbolone Acetate
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Order Trenbolone Acetate 100mg

Trenbolone Acetate – is the most powerful anabolic steroid known in the sport and fitness industry. Its history starts in 1963. It was never used in medical therapy but found a very wide appliance in the veterinary niche. In veterinary it started to be used in the 1970s. Due to its androgenic properties and speed with each muscle grow it’s used for the fastest cattle growth before they will be delivered to the slaughterhouse. Tren Acetate has a huge amount of side effects and was never approved for medical use.

Trenbolone Acetate 100

Tren Acetate is sold under the names of Finajet and Finaplix. Trenbolone has a huge amount of side effects and was never authorized for medical use. Therefore such a strong steroid with potency has found its use in bodybuilding and other sports disciplines where power and strength decide everything.


The dosage might vary depending on the goal and type of cycle which you chose. Very rare when a sportsman is using trenbolone as a Solo Cycle. Usually, tren is stacked with other AAS. It shows amazing results on the cutting cycle with Winstrol, Clenbuterol, T3, Growth Hormone, Masteron. The average dosage is 50mg each day or 100mg each other day. Experienced bodybuilders put and 150mg and 300mg each other day. We do not recommend doing so. The higher the dosage the higher the risk of side effects especially with trenbolone acetate. One of the good combinations will be 100mg of Testosterone Propionate EOD, 100mg of Tren Acetate EOD and Winstrol 50mg daily. This combination and dosage are balanced with fewer side effects. It’s better not to go above 100mg EOD in trenbolone dosage. If you don’t know which AAS is better to combine and in which proportion our specialist will help you with that.


Before starting to use trenbolone acetate this amazing and unique steroid always remembers that it is not for beginners. It’s for advanced but mostly for professional bodybuilders and athletes who had a big experience with different AAS in the past. Trenbolone is on the top of the steroid chain and doesn’t forgive mistakes. It’s very harmful. It heats not only physically but psychologically as well. You should be ready and well trained before meeting such a giant.

Usually, you will use trenbolone acetate each other day. Other forms of tren due to a longer ester require longer intervals between injections like once or max twice weekly. In case if you got a higher dosage of trenbolone acetate like 150mg/ml you can do an injection even once in two days. If you use a high dosage don’t forget to get Dostinex. It’s also advised to use trenbolone with testosterone. If you use Acetate form of tren then the best option would be Testosterone Propionate. It is more comfortable to do an injection for both of them on the same day.

After you finish using trenbolone acetate don’t wait and start your Post Cycle Therapy. It’s extremely important to make everything correct and on time to minimize side effects after using tren Acetate.

How To Use Trenbolone Acetate


Trenbolone makes protein synthesis way faster by increasing the retention of nitrogen. This leads to new protein cell buildings at a high rate. All this means quick results due to faster muscle repair and growth.

First of all, trenbolone is a cutting steroid. So the visual result which you can notice will be getting leaner. For the best results stay on a regular diet all the time. In Olympic lifting and Crossfit, Tren Acetate is very famous and loved for the strength and power which it gives to athletes. Another property of Trenbolone Acetate is that it helps to transfer more oxygen by increasing the number of red blood cells. As a result, it makes better endurance and recovery of the athlete. The next benefit is that trenbolone acetate keeps cortisol at a low level so you can stay anabolic all the time.


Nowadays to order Tren is very easy due to developing an eCommerce system. A lot of online stores can offer you a variety of UG brands quality and fake with different dosages per ml. The biggest problem in buying online is to find a reliable, legit source that does carry about their reputation. Once you will buy from them and would be satisfied with your purchase, we don’t think you will look for other e-shops. Give us a try and order trenbolone acetate so you can see that we really do care about our customers, their opinion, and satisfaction with the service and product quality.


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