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Testosterone supplements effects – Increasing Testosterone Levels
Testosterone is a hormone in men that raises their sexual desires, produces sperm, increases their bone density, and builds muscle mass. In both men and women, the normal level of each and every hormone is essential because any abnormality in the production, secretion, and functioning of a hormone can lead to abnormal bodily functions. In women, progesterone and estrogen are two hormones responsible for the regulation of sexual desires and sexual functions while in man testosterone hormone is responsible for this function.
So it is crystal clear that if the level of testosterone hormone will be abnormal the sexual activity of man will be less and when sexual activity will be less, there will occurrence of reproductive disorders. Abnormal sexual functions and activity will lead to “no sperm formation” and when there will be no sperm there will be fertile. A man with low or abnormal testosterone function cannot produce his offsprings. Now you can ask that what causes the abnormal activity of testosterone and what supplements can be used to regulate the normality of the testosterone. A man with low and less testosterone activity uses supplements.
Testosterone Supplements Effects
The use of supplements for testosterone activity can have good effects on a man’s testosterone level. But, what is the side effects of testosterone supplements can have on health? In this article, Testosterone supplements effects, you can see the benefit and side effects of testosterone supplements in detail.
Supplements for testosterone production
The uses of supplements have a good effect on the production of testosterone. It has been reported that hypogonadism is a condition that reduces the activity of testosterone and when this situation will be treated it is obvious that the testes will start their normal function. Testosterone hormone is produced in tests and its production hindered by the development of hypogonadism. So when hypogonadism is cured testes will start producing testosterone and this can be done by the use of supplements instead of medication and drugs. Drugs and medication can have detrimental effects on health if taken for a longer time period. So the use of the supplements is good for normalizing the formation, production, secretion, and performance of the testosterone hormone.
It has been studied that the use of natural testosterone supplements has an impressive effect on the rising sexual desire in men. The lack of this hormone can eliminate the desire for sex. Without a sexual desire, a man cannot perform normal and healthy sex. The use of supplements can regulate the sexual desire in a man and he can perform better during sex.
Sperm formation
Sperm is the only and most important part of the sexual and reproductive system. When the formation of sperm will be less, there will be no fertility and even no sexual desire. For having a sexual desire the formation of sperm is important. The use of supplements can normalize sperm formation. A healthy and regular sperm formation shows the normal reproductive system of a man.
A man who is using testosterone supplements has increased strength. His muscular activity and performance will be more than the man who is not using testosterone supplements. Players are fonder of developing muscular strength in them and the use of this hormone can fulfill their desire and they can build their muscles and can perform better. The use of testosterone supplements builds their endurance and makes them capable of good performance in all activities.
Increased muscle mass
The men who are using testosterone supplements also have a great effect on their bone and muscle density. The muscle mass and bone density of men using testosterone supplements are greater than those who are not using them. These supplements build the muscle mass and add bulk in the body mass which cannot be obtained even by using steroids (a hormone used by increasing the body mass and for adding bulk). It has been reported that the sustainability of the muscle mass that is obtained by using testosterone supplements is more than that of steroids.
Decrease fat content
The use of testosterone supplements has another impressive effect on the body. This decreases body fat. The fat content of the man can be reduced by using these supplements. Testosterone supplements burn the stored body fat along with increasing muscle mass.
Testosterone Supplements Effects
No doubt that the use of testosterone supplements has a good effect on men’s health and overall sexual and bodily performance, but like all other medications, there are many side effects of using these supplements. Let me tell you something about the side effects of using these supplements.
Heart risk
A man who is using testosterone supplements is at increased risk of developing heart disease. A deep connection has been observed between these testosterone supplements and heart diseases. Various types of heart problems have been found associated with the use of testosterone supplements.
Prostate cancer
Various studies have been conducted to check the effects of testosterone supplements on the prostate gland and it has been reported that the men who are using these supplements to regulate the testosterone hormone are at increased risk of developing prostate cancer.
Enlarged breast
As I have already mentioned that the use of testosterone supplements adds bulk and increases muscle mass. The breast muscles of men using testosterone also get enlarged.
Acne vulgaris
Men who are using testosterone supplements are at increased risk of developing acne vulgaris. Acne has not only been reported in men, the woman who has a sexual interaction with a man who is using these supplements can also face acne on her face. Even the kids of this couple can also develop acne in their adulthood.
Sleep apnea
A man who is having testosterone supplements is at increased risk of developing sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition in which the shorting of breath occurs during sleep. This occurs due to the narrowing of air pipes and the person suffers from a dreadful situation.
Hormonal imbalances
Hormonal imbalances are also observed in men who are having testosterone supplements. The use of these supplements can boost the formation and function of one hormone, but cannot maintain the health and performance of other hormones working in the body.
Hopefully, by this post, you may have understood the benefits of testosterone supplements and Testosterone supplements’ effects on your body, which you can apply while deciding supplements for boosting your testosterone levels.