Testabol Depot 200 British Dragon 10ml

Testabol Depot 200
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Buy Testabol Depot 200 mg

Testabol Depot is a British Dragon injection steroid with main active substance testosterone cypionate. British Dragon testosterone cypionate is considered the longest ester of testosterone. Testosterone Cypionate increases muscle mass and strength indicators. The half-life of Testabol Depot 200 is 14 days from the moment it enters the bloodstream. The elimination half-life is 6-8 days. Due to the long period of activity, the steroid can cause noticeable water retention, so usually, it is combined with other steroids.

The anabolic and androgenic index is 100% of testosterone. British Dragon Testosterone cypionate acts through anabolic receptors, increasing their ability of nitrogen accumulation, which comes as a fundament in building muscles. A positive nitrogen balance provides intensive growth of muscle tissue and slows down the process of its destruction.

Most often, it is used in such sports as bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting, and other sports.

Testabol Depot 200 Cycle

Depending on the goals testabol depot 200 cycles can be 6-12 weeks. If the cycle duration is longer than 10 weeks, then it will be necessary to use gonadotropin in the middle of the cycle and at the end as well. Injections are given twice a week, sometimes less or more often, depends on the athlete’s experience.

The optimal dosage is 250-500 ml per week and if you want to gain enough muscle mass the dosage should be 500ml and up to 1g. The optimal dosage depends on individual indicators’ performance and the athlete’s experience. Testabol Depot is not recommended for female athletes. Very often, Testabol Depot 200 is combined with nandrolone. Aromatase Inhibitors are more preferred to be used on cycle than antiestrogens. It can be Aromasin or Arimidex (Anastrozole). If you decided to go with antiestrogens then Proviron or Tamoxifen can be used. Post Cycle Therapy is necessary at the end of the cycle.

British Dragon testosterone cypionate side effects

Testabol Depot 200 is prone to aromatization, which leads to an excess of estrogen, which can develop gynecomastia. To avoid this, you need to take Nolvadex or Clomid. Most often, aromatase inhibitors are used, which minimize these kinds of side effects. Sometimes Depot testabol causes increased body hair growth, baldness, acne, oily skin, and increased blood pressure.

Athletes Reviews about Testabol Depot 200

Reviews about the steroid are mostly positive. Many athletes appreciate it for the ability to gain muscle mass and not frequent injections. After the substance is injected into the muscle tissue, it is stored in the fat depot and gradually enters the bloodstream. Despite the fact that there is a rollback phenomenon, still, most of the muscle mass remains with you after the cycle.

Testabol Depot 200 provides the following effects:

  • improved phosphorus metabolism;
  • increase strength;
  • stimulation of red blood cells production that saturates the muscles with oxygen;
  • increased appetite;
  • increased stamina;
  • significant increase in muscle mass;
  • strengthening the skeletal system;
  • formation of a positive nitrogen balance;
  • reduced pressure on the joints;
  • increased libido


Before you buy Testabol Depot, you should consult with a specialist. It is prone to aromatization; so dosages and antiestrogens must be used properly as recommended. The substance acts through anabolic receptors, which leads to the accumulation of nitrogen, which performs as the main material for muscle protein growth. During the administration, rapid hydration of the cells is noticed, the muscles acquire a more beautiful shape, but also a significant rollback is present. It is all because a significant part of the weight consists of water.

3 reviews for Testabol Depot 200 British Dragon 10ml

  1. User Avatar

    George L. Greg

    Very good test cypionate for a reasonable price. Put 6kg on the cycle with Dbol. British Dragon cost its money. I always achieve the expected results and at the same time can save some money. Comparing to most brands British Dragon is a very cheap one.

  2. User Avatar

    Amy B.

    Testabol Depot from DB is worth its money. Effective, cheap, and always in stock.

  3. User Avatar



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