Antiestrogen Therapy Drugs

Antiestrogen Pills

Understanding Aromatization in Bodybuilding This kind of stuff is used too often in the world of bodybuilding in search of the innumerable benefits that different steroids offer. These derivatives of the male hormone testosterone increase muscular development and strength considerably. It is also worth mentioning that there are possible side effects. One of the negatives…

Testosterone Supplements

Testosterone Supplements

Reading time 4 min 16 sec Testosterone supplements effects – Increasing Testosterone Levels Testosterone is a hormone in men that raises their sexual desires, produces sperm, increases their bone density, and builds muscle mass. In both men and women, the normal level of each and every hormone is essential because any abnormality in the production,…

Use of Steroids in Bodybuilding

Steroids And Bodybuilding

Reading time 7 min 36 sec Have you been into bodybuilding for a while now? Are you a beginner instead or interested in pursuing bodybuilding? Bodybuilding involves a vigorous regime of weight-lifting and a proper diet. This intense training gives bodybuilders their bulky muscles. Many also use steroids to help them in this process. Steroids…

Best Anabolic Steroids for Women

Steroid Cycle For Women

Reading time 9 min 48 sec General Review of The Best Anabolic Steroids for Women IMPORTANT! The use of AAS by women requires stricter monitoring of health indicators and serious theoretical training. Otherwise, you run the risk of encountering unpleasant and frightening conditions. Steroids with a high androgen index are highly not recommended for women…

Primobolan – Facts of Methenolone

Primobolan Depot

What is Primobolan? The use of “soft” drugs (oxandrolone, boldenone, Masteron, Primobolan, etc.) in bodybuilding can be compared with the search for a philosopher’s stone, which was the goal of crazy experiments and the meaning of the life of ancient alchemists. But if the “scientific” activity of medieval thinkers was to find a way (recipe)…

Dianabol Review


Reading time 10 min 13 sec In the second half of the twentieth century, the world has changed. In 1956, an American doctor, John Ziegler, with the assistance of Ciba-Geigy Company, in his laboratory has invented Dianabol, an anabolic steroid of the new generation that made a revolution in pharmacology and sports of that time….

HGH Facts and Side Effects


Reading time 5 min 16 sec HGH Somatropin Cycle Pro bodybuilders and regular users often take different steroids as a solo and in combinations to improve the formation of muscle relief and different performance indicators. As a fact, the human body produces its own growth hormone, but the older we become the less GH our…

Drostanolone Propionate Steroid – Masteron


Reading time 7 min 24 sec Continuing review of “soft” pharmaceutical steroids is impossible without mentioning such of them as Drostanolone Propionate. Like many other soft AAS such as Equipoise, Masteron is very popular. Not only bodybuilders but also representatives of other sports disciplines love this steroid, for its property to increase strength, speed, and…

Trenbolone Cycle – Side Effects – Cough


Today we will talk about a special steroid originally from veterinary medicine, about the best and strongest of modern sports pharmacology, about the king of androgens and anabolic record holder, about a steroid that is 3 times stronger than testosterone, and whose anabolic power is 4 times greater than the potential of Nandrolones. This article…

Sustanon 250 Benefits

Sustanon Steroid

What is Sustanon 250 steroid? One of the most interesting topics in sports pharmacology is the composite steroids mix, which is very popular everywhere now. Most of all athletes and bodybuilders love different testosterone compounds that exist in great variety. Testosterone Blend (Sustanon) – is a mixture of different testosterone esters, which vary from each…

What is Equipoise – Boldenone Eq

Boldenone Undecylenate

Reading time 9 min 20 sec Boldenone Undecylenate – Equipoise Effects For two reasons, boldenone is very popular among athletes and bodybuilders. It’s a wonderful anabolic steroid well known long time and is used by all bodybuilders and athletes which are appreciated the uniqueness of this pharmaceutical steroid. Boldenone was created exclusively for the needs…

What is Stanozolol?


Reading time 4 min 38 sec Winstrol – Fat Burner Stanozolol or Winstrol is an anabolic steroid made from testosterone with several molecular changes that give its unique properties. It comes both in a tablet and in an injection form. Bodybuilders and athletes put Stanozolol in third place after Testosterone and Trenbolone among the best…