Oxandrolone LA Pharma
Oxandrolone is an anabolic steroid used for preserving lean tissue during aggressive cutting cycles for ultra ripped physique leading up to competitions.
Anavar Mechanism of Action
As a DHT derived oral steroid Anavar increases phosphocreatine synthesis for more endurance in the muscles so you can lift more and work out harder before fatigue sets in.
LA Pharma Grade
Pharmaceutical grade production from LA Pharma means proper dosed oxandrolone pills absorption rates that underground labs can’t match for better dose dependent results.
Dose Range
Most men find good Oxa cycles in 30-50mg daily for 6-8 weeks for cutting cycle fat loss without needing to restart PCT afterwards.
Preserving Lean Tissue
When adding Oxandrolone tablets from LA Pharma to aggressive low calorie diet, users report:
Muscle Fullness
Even at 800 calories daily deficit, muscles look fuller through improved nitrogen balance feeding hungry muscles enough to grow despite harsh diets.
Strength Levels
Users can push near peak strength on core exercises like squats, presses and deadlifts as Anavar offsets the power loss that occurs when you’re leaning out.
What Fat Loss Can You Expect?
Beyond preserving gains LA Pharma Oxandrolon also has mild direct lipolysis properties to aid fat loss:
- Lipid Metabolism
Not a primary mechanism but Anavar does seem to mobilize free fatty acids from adipose tissue to tell the body to spare muscle energy and burn fat instead.
- Leaner Midsection
Oxandrolone with high protein cutting diet and cardio has a slight midsection slimming effect to reveal six pack abs muscle striations as body fat drops below 10%.
- Harder Muscle Appearance
As subcutaneous water between skin and muscle dissipates from LA Pharma Anavar cycles, vascularity and granular muscle starts to pop through the skin for new level of shredded definition.
Ideal Stacks
While good solo, Oxandrolone works better with other cutting agents like Clenbuterol or Testosterone Propionate in pre-competition stacks:
- Winstrol
This cutting stack Oral Stanozolol with Anavar maximizes fat burning and muscle hardness, vascularity and power.
- Test Propionate
Short acting test maintains sex drive and enhances Anavar’s anti-catabolic nutrient partitioning. But needs to control estrogen conversion.
- Primo Tablets
Methenolone Acetate with Oxandro stack mirrors many of Anavar’s capabilities but amplifies them – fat loss potential without overloading organs for longer cutting.
Side Effects
Despite being female friendly, Oxa still has risks to be monitored like other anabolics:
- Cholesterol Issues
HDL will drop and LDL will rise if not followed by clean diet practices over longer period.
- Liver Enzymes
Being C17-alpha alkylated LA Pharma oxandrolone may affect liver function markers if used beyond 8 weeks, requires organ support supplementation.
- Test Production Suppression
While less suppressive than many steroids, Testosterone production will still be suppressed and need to be managed with PCT to avoid losing gains to low hormone levels afterwards.
Using Oxandrolone from a top supplier like LA Pharma gives bodybuilders a cutting tool to get freaky shredded without losing hard earned muscle size – the final piece of the puzzle before a big show.
More about this steroid you can read on oxandrolone page.
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