Finarex 200 Thaiger Pharma 10ml (Tren E)

Finarex Depot - trenbolone enanthate results
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What results can be achieved with Trenbolone Enanthate?

  • Anabolic Index: 400%
  • Androgenic rate: 200%
  • Flavoring: no
  • Water retention: no
  • Hepatotoxicity: no
  • HPTA Suppression: high
  • Detection on a doping test: up to nine weeks

Fianarex is a high-quality product of the well-known pharmacological company Thaiger. The derivative is the active substance trenbolone in a fat-soluble ester bond enanthate. Enanthate is an oil-based ester that allows the active substance trenbolone to settle in the body fat cells, and during the cycle to be removed from them in a certain amount, thereby allowing Trenbolone to be active and act for a long time. Finarex by itself, which can be bought on our website, is an anabolic steroid with extremely high androgenic/anabolic levels. Trenbolone Enanthate Cycle is widely used in bodybuilding and other lifting sports, where the goal is to build “clean” muscle mass, to build beautiful relief, and to develop strength and endurance. Having many positive properties, the steroid is quite popular and expensive.

Trenbolone Enanthate Results

Trenbolone steroid is also known as tren e. It is able to bind with andro-receptors in 4-5 times stronger than testosterone. When taking a Finaxel, it is noted an expressive anabolic activity. Trenbolone Enanthate Cycle is one of the most effective in the selection of muscle mass and the development of power properties. But it is important to understand that, along with positive effects and results, increases the risk of developing negative side effects if the cycle was built incorrectly with improperly selected dosages.

Trenbolone Enanthate Cycle

Effect and Results of Trenbolone Enanthate

  • able to increase the athlete’s muscle mass by 10 kg, even with a low-carb diet;
  • increases strength and power;
  • increases sexual desire and libido only during the course, after the course, the opposite is observed;
  • increases IRF levels by 200%;
  • excellent fat burns effect, due to personal properties and as a result of increased secretion of GH;
  • it is a good anti-catabolic, due to its ability to lower cortisol levels.

How to take it? Trenbolone Enanthate Cycle and Dosage

Before you buy Finaxel, study this section in order to have basic knowledge about the correct and safe cycle building.

As you know, Trenbolone is a very powerful steroid, and the more powerful it is, the greater the frequency of side effects is. Due to this fact, you need to be very careful when using the cycle of trenbolone enanthate.

Below are the rules and recommendations for the proper cycle of Trenbolone Enanthate with minimum or no side effects:

  1. The optimal dose for beginners and intermediate athletes is 300 mg per week, it is not recommended to exceed it!
  2. Start the cycle with a small dosage, and check the tolerance of the substance by your body to prevent the possibility of negative consequences.
  3. Without gonadotropin use, do not take Trenbolone for more than 5-6 weeks.
  4. Trenbolone Enanthate stays in the blood for a long time after the last injection; therefore, PCT should start with the third week after the end of trenbolone enanthate cycle.
  5. Be sure to take HCG during the cycle to restore endogenous testosterone production.
  6. It is recommended to take sports nutrition such as protein, gainer, creatine, and a complex of vitamins. It is important to follow a proper diet to gain quality muscle mass.
  7. If possible, include in your trenbolone cycle – testosterone in small doses to maintain a balance of the physiological level of testosterone.

What is better to combine with?

Trenbolone Enanthate Solo Cycle does an excellent job if your goal is to gain mass. In case if your goal is a pure, lean muscle then it is recommended to take trenbolone in combination with Winstrol or Anavar. Boldenone also works well in conjunction with Finaxel, showing better results.

Side Effects

Quite often, when using this steroid, androgenic type of side effects can occur, such as acne, oily skin, increased aggression, insomnia, high blood pressure, baldness, and vice versa, hair growth of some parts of the body.

Trenbolone strongly suppresses the production of your own testosterone, which at the end of the cycle leads to loss of weight gain and testicular atrophy, decreased libido, and sexual desire. Considering this fact, it is recommended to use Gonadotropin and Clomid.

In addition, athletes noted that if Tribulus Cycle is done after Enanthate then you can minimize or avoid the rollback phenomenon.


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