Bolde 250 Genesis 10ml

Bolde 250
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BOLDE 250 – Boldenone Injection (Anabolic Androgenic Steroid)

A completely new anabolic androgenic steroid called boldenone (equipoise) appeared unlike anything else.

Boldenone is a synthetic derivative of testosterone.

The Veterinary took this miracle into its own hands and began universal use. What works on animals will also work on people. Bodybuilders use equipoise instead of ascorbic acid – a whole year without breaks! Whether it is a cycle of mass, drying, or bridge between cycles.

The active substance of Bolde 250 is boldenone undecylenate. The common trade name for this drug is Equipoise. Even here, the copyright holders considered everything as it should. Equipoise means equilibrium. This name best describes everything about the steroid.

  • Minimum side effect! What does minimum mean, you might say there are no side effects at all.
  • An increase in quality muscle.
  • No aromatization.
  • Increased venous.
  • Increased appetite, which has a positive effect on weight gain.
  • An increase in the level of red blood cells, which leads to an increase of oxygen in the muscles and, in accordance with this, incredible endurance.

Boldenone’s chemical structure is nearly identical to testosterone, which contributes to its ability to stimulate protein synthesis and promote muscle growth. Boldenone undecylenate is primarily used in veterinary medicine. It is also an anabolic steroid popular among bodybuilders for its potent anabolic effects and long half-life.

Everything is good, everything is all right in it. Oh yeah, the horses will be happy. But, why, if horses like it, then people do not try this crown of pharmacology. Well, here it started. Remembering the words about Victor Richards, this big man injected himself with 25 ml of equipoise 1 ml / 50 mg every day. That is at least 7 grams per week, and this despite the fact that there were other steroids. He ate 12,000 kcal per day. He was 170cm tall and had 150kg in weight.

7 grams is a monstrous figure, because an increase in the number of red blood cells leads to thickening of the blood, in this case, Aspirin for the heart can help, starting from 100 mg per day. And at 7 grams per week, I don’t even suspect how many such pills you need to take, but I think there are ways for professional athletes. If we read the instruction for the veterinary use of Equipoise, it becomes clear that for a horse for every pound of mass there should be 0.5 mg of equipoise. That is, for a horse weighing 500 kg (1102 pounds) about 550 mg of the steroid.

Ordinary dosages in bodybuilding start from 600 – 800 mg and, as we already understood, can go up to infinity. But, if you remember the general recommendations, then things are as follows: 8-12 mg per kg of body weight per week.

Equipoise Dosage to Increase Muscle Mass

We have already mentioned that Bolde 250 does not start working immediately and therefore the duration of its courses should be about 12 weeks. Due to its long half life, it remains effective over extended periods. Female athletes can also use Equipoise at a maximum dosage of 400 mg weekly. It is obvious that Equipoise dosage for men is higher and is around 600 – 1000 mg weekly. It is enough to put two injections in a week.

At high doses, boldenone can yield better results, with a range from 400mg to 1000mg per week. Users may experience benefits such as increased appetite, muscle retention, and improved athletic performance.

Bolde 250 is suitable for many sports disciplines since it is soft enough and improves the physical athlete’s characteristics. In various dosages, equipoise can be used not only in weightlifting but also in boxing, hockey, and other various sports. Boldenone formulations often come in concentrations of 200mg/ml or 250mg/ml.

As already mentioned, Bolde 250 is applicable both for mass gain and for improving relief. Example of the mass gaining cycle: Testosterone + Bolde 250 + Trenbolone. Surprisingly, the same stack can also be used for cutting; you can add Masteron as well. Many will wonder how to deal with the growing appetite if you work on the relief. You can use sibutramine. Many bodybuilders use boldenone for its anabolic effects and ability to enhance muscle mass.

Read more about equipoise dosage.


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